This is "Climate Week" and here are two different ways to mark the occasion in Alameda this coming Saturday:

Alameda Point

A free event from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. hosted on the USS Hornet aircraft carrier:

Climate Change, Climate Science, Climate Resiliency
A Panel Discussion on Research, Innovation and Education in Alameda
Saturday, September 28; 11:00am-1:00pm
Alameda is a climate hub for innovation, science-based education, community engagement, and research. The Hornet Museum is hosting this event as an opportunity for local residents to engage with the individuals and organizations spearheading these initiatives and bringing cutting-edge science to Alameda and beyond. Join us for a lively discussion of local and global climate initiatives, featuring world-class talent working in Alameda. 

This panel will feature multiple local organizations and representatives from across Alameda. Climate change is a global challenge and it's a local challenge. We all stand to gain when our local non-profits, advocacy groups, basic and applied research scientists, and R&D-based businesses collaborate on these challenges.

(This blog previously covered when two of these climate-related initiatives — for better or for worse — had to go before Alameda City Council.)

Neighborhood Greenways

While Alameda's Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) is a long and detailed document, its key takeaway for everyday Alamedans regarding how we can focus many of our local climate actions is straightforward to understand: About 70% of Alameda's locally-produced greenhouse gas emissions are from our transportation sector.

Climate change and adaption are gigantic topics at the global scale. That said, our local solutions may actually be quite conceptually simple – even if these solutions take time, community commitment, political will, and funding.

Toward the goal of of zero-emission means of mobility for all ages in Alameda, also this Saturday, Sept 28 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. the City of Alameda will be hosting a "pop up" event along Pacific Ave regarding its future as a Neighborhood Greenway.

All that said, instead of going to any of these events, I'll be walking to one of my kid's sports games, walking the other to a birthday party, and then probably driving both of them in our EV to another more distant birthday party...

Enjoy your Saturday, however you spend it!

Two climate-change events coming this Saturday