This blog has featured my own (strong but also hopefully constructive) criticism about the Neighborhood Greenways program — and these thoughts have also resonated with others, who have made their own public comments and sent in their own emails to City Council and the Transportation Commission.

For everyone who is following this program and cares about the successful implementation of Neighborhood Greenways, here's an update shared today by city staff:

City staff are working to fulfill the 2024 Transportation Work Plan, which includes:

‣ In 2024, beginning construction to convert at least one Slow Street to a Neighborhood Greenway, and if time allows, staff will pursue more than one conversion this year.

‣ By the end of 2025, complete quick-build conversion of the three Slow Streets.

We are currently engaging with a consultant to scope out the project for all nine Neighborhood Greenways included in the 2030 Low-Stress Backbone Network and begin implementation on converting three Slow Streets to Neighborhood Greenways. (We selected this consultant after reviewing three proposals from consultants with on-call contracts and availability to start immediately.) When the scoping portion is done with the consultant, will have a clearer picture of the timeline. In the meantime, everyone is encouraged to sign up for the City’s Neighborhood Greenways mailing list to stay informed, and we’ll be creating a web page soon for this project.

Thank you to city staff for this update and this work toward a network of Neighborhood Greenways across Alameda.

Next steps for Alameda's Neighborhood Greenways